Mountain and ski guides – Issue of qualification certificate

General information

In Upper Austria, carrying out the paid activity of a mountain and ski guide is only permitted with an official Certificate of Eligibility.


This Certificate of Eligibility will be issued by the authority, on the basis of a written registration of the activity, within eight weeks after receipt of all required supporting documents (§ 57e Oö. Tourismusgesetz 2018), if the applicant fulfils the general conditions in accordance with § 61 Oö. Tourismusgesetz 2018 and possesses the professional qualification required for the registered act ivity pursuant to § 62 Oö. Tourismusgesetz 2018. The registration shall contain the exact designation of the planned activity and the intended location for the exercise of the activity.

In accordance with § 61 Oö. Tourismusgesetz 2018, the Certificate of Eligibility for the practice of the activity of mountain and ski guide may only be issued to a natural person, who

  • has reached the age of 18,
  • possesses the necessary reliability,
  • is in a suitable state of health for the respective activity and
  • can prove the existence of a sufficient liability insurance

The Certificate of Eligibility for the practice of the activity of mountain and ski guide is issued for a specific location.

Only persons, to whom the Certificate of Eligibility for the activity of hiking and snow shoe guide has been issued, may bear the title "mountain and ski guide".

Persons, to whom a Certificate of Eligibility has been issued, are obligated to comply with the general rules of practice, in accordance with § 63 Oö. Tourismusgesetz 2018.


More information


State administration fee in accordance with the Oö. Landesverwaltungs-abgabenordnung 2011

for the award of the licence: 52 euros


Fees in accordance with the Gebührengesetz 1957:

for submission of the application: 47.30 euros;

for the supplements, which are to be attached to the application: 3.90 euros

per sheet*, however no more than 21.80 euros per attachment;

for the granting of the authorisation: 83.60 euros.

* A sheet is to be understood as paper, whose page height does not exceed the extent of twice 210 mm X 297 mm in one or in both directions. For paper sheets exceeding these measurements, the fees are to be paid double.

Responsible department

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