Below you can find out, how to use the Point of Single Contact PSC (EAP)
Guidelines: How to use PSC Point of Single Contact (EAP)
- for the recognition of services
- for the recognition of professional qualifications
Regulated professions:
A regulated profession is any profession, which requires an evidence of certain competences: education, training and/or professional experience.
Sensitive professions:
A sensitive profession is any regulated profession, which impacts public health or safety.
PSC Point of Single Contact
Direktion für Landesplanung, wirtschaftliche und ländliche Entwicklung
Abteilung Wirtschaft
Bahnhofplatz 1
4021 Linz Telefon (+43 732) 77 20-156 70
Fax (+43 732) 77 20-211 785
If you cannot find the application form or the electronic application form you want, so use the following online form which is by us to the competent authority.
Assistance centre pursuant of EU Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications
Mag. Irene Linke
Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
Stubenring 1
1010 Wien
Tel: 0043 1 71100 805446
Fax: 0043 1 71100 935446