Projects on Grasslands, Riverbanks or Areas with Flowing Waters which have Economic Considerations - Permission from the Nature Conservation Authority

General information

General Information

Amongst others, the following projects are only permitted in Upper Austria with permission from the nature conservation authority:

  • Infrastructural development measures in more than 1,200m altitude
  • The installation of climbing gardens and climbing Frames
  • The erection and extension of sports and leisure facilities
  • The erection and alteration of overground electrical circuit systems for high voltage currents of more than 30,000 Volts;
  • The erection and alteration of cable cars and all types of ski lifts, as well as ski slopes; artificial snow Systems;
  • Quarry, sand, mud or gravel removal Systems
  • The creation of systems for processing rocks, gravel, grit, sand, sound, mud, peat as well as mixed materials and Bitumen;
  • Overground relocation of pipelines with a diameter of more than 25cm;
  • The erection of wind turbines with a total height of more than 30m
  • The erection of free-standing thermal solar energy systems and free-standing photovoltaic systems with collector surfaces of more than 500m²

In the 500m bank conservation area of lakes, in the 200m bank conservation area of the Danube, Inn and Salzach River as well as in the 50m bank conservation area of specific flowing water, a positive specification from the nature conservation authority is required for all interventions and specific interventions on grassland in the ecosystem.



Style and content of the notice: Presentation of the type, scope, location and associated interests of the project, plans or other graphical representations (2 copies), declaration of consent from one notifying party who is not the landowner, confirmation from the municipality that the project complies with the planning scheme.

Authorisation will be granted when

  1. The project damages the ecosystem or the foundations of the cohabitation of types of plants, fungus and animals in any way, or disturbs the regeneration value of the landscape in any way, or harms the scenery in a way which goes against public interests in nature and landscape conservation.
  2. If public or private interests in the proposed project do not outweigh public interest in nature and landscape conservation.

If both a notification of specification in the bank conservation area and permission are required for carrying out a project because of its spatial location, only one set of permission is to be granted for the entire Project.


Responsible department

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