EIA - Preliminary procedure (scoping)

Competent authority

Costs and fees

The costs depend on the respective Ordinances of the Federal Provinces on levies and fees. Please ask the competent body in advance.


There are no specific time limits.

General information

Before launching an approval procedure (EIA procedure or simplified procedure) the project applicant can launch an application to carry out a preliminary procedure (scoping).

This procedure takes place on a voluntary basis and serves to support the more detailed specification of the contents of the Environmental Impact Statement.

The investor service anchored in the Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungsgesetz (Federal Act on Environmental Impact Assessment – UVP-G) provides that information available at the authority can be made available to the project applicant for the preparation of the project. Environmental data available in electronic form must be made accessible.

Last update

1 January 2024

Legal basis


There is no special procedure to be followed.

Required documents

  • Presentation of the outline of the project
  • Concept for the Environmental Impact Statement
    In the Concept for the Environmental Impact Statement, the information can be categorised into priority and non-priority based on the expected environmental impact.


Responsible for the content

Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
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