Waste shipment - Transboundary

Competent authority

For shipments from Austria

For shipments to Austria

Costs and fees

Costs depend on various ordinances on levies and fees. Please ask the competent authority in advance.


  • Notification of the actual start of the shipment after notification of approval by the competent authorities at least three working days before the beginning of the approved shipment
  • Confirmation of the reception of wastes by the facility: Within three working days after the acceptance
  • Notification of the recovery or disposal of the wastes: at the latest 30 days after the termination of the recycling or disposal and not later than one calendar year after the reception provided that not a shorter period has been fixed.

General information

Within the EU, the import, export and transit of wastes to, from or through EU states are subject to approval. Exception: wastes of the "Green List of Wastes" for recovery.


Illegal, transboundary shipment of significant quantities of waste constitutes a criminal offence. It constitutes a punishable offence, no matter whether this shipment actually constitutes a danger for humans or the environment.

The procedures and control provisions for a transboundary shipment of wastes are EU-wide regulated in detail. The basis is the Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 (EC Waste Shipments Regulation). Supplementary provisions can be found in the Abfallwirtschaftsgesetz. Moreover export bans for certain wastes exist for the shipment of wastes involving Non-EU States. For certain wastes (e.g. mixed municipal wastes) special requirements are provided for.

In connection with a shipment the following actors must become active:

  • Notifying person
  • Country of dispatch and/or competent authority at the place of dispatch
  • Country of destination and/or competent authority at the place of destination
  • In the case of transit: Country/Countries of transit and/or the competent authority for transit
  • Consignee of the wastes

A distinction is made in particular between the following procedures:

  • Procedures concerning the shipment of wastes for recovery
  • Procedures concerning the shipment of wastes for disposal

The shipment of wastes from the "Green List of Wastes" for recovery, which is not subject to notification and approval, is only subject to information obligations.

Detailed information on transboundary waste shipments, templates and a comprehensive fact sheet on the subject can be found at Waste shipments ( BMK)German text.

Please note

For the transboundary shipment of second-hand goods has been introduced an obligation to furnish written evidence (proof of the places of origin and destination as well as the non-waste property and the proof of the functionality). Accordingly the authorities can request the owner or the initiator of the shipment to forward certain written evidence. Otherwise the control authorities could come to the conclusion that the respective second-hand goods are waste.

Last update

1 January 2025

Link to form

Registration is by electronic means via edm.gv.at ( BMK)German text.

Entrepreneurs registered in the Business Service Portal USP have the possibility to use EDM and many other online proceduresGerman text with one single logging into the USP. More detailed information on registration in the USP is available in the online guidance on USP registrationGerman text.

Samples, templates and further documents in German and waste lists, sample contracts in English can be found on the website of the BMK.


Shipments subject to notification

The written notification procedure is initiated by the application at the competent authority at the place of departure.

Please note

Those who intend to carry out a shipment of wastes from Austria (exports) subject to notification must first register electronically at edm.gv.at ( BMK)German text .

  • Applications for notifications for shipments from Austria (exports, Deutsches Eck) must be filled out online and submitted electronically via eVerbringung on edm.gv.at ( BMK)German text to the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology.
  • The competent authority at the place of dispatch shall forward the proper notification within three working days after the reception to the authorities concerned and informs the notifying person about it.
  • The competent authorities can demand further information and documents from the notifying person.
  • If all required documents have been made available the competent authority at the place of destination submits a confirmation of receipt (acknowledgement).The competent authorities at the place of destination and at the place of dispatch as well as the competent authority for the transit shall take, within a period of 30 days (by way of derogation in the case of a shipment within the framework of prior consent the period shall be 7 days) after the forwarding of the confirmation of receipt, their reasoned decisions on the permissibility of the shipment.
    • Approval without requirements
    • Approval with requirements
    • Raising of objections
  • The competent authorities for transit can give their a tacit consent also by expiry of the deadline without raising objections.
  • After the consent of all competent authorities to the notified shipment all enterprises involved must fill in the movement document at the appropriate places and sign it. The enterprises involved must keep a copy thereof.
  • The notifying person forwards for that purpose the signed copies of the movement document to the competent authorities at the place of dispatch and at the place of destination as well as to the competent authorities for transit and the consignee. He/she keeps for himself/herself a copy of the movement document. The original of the movement document is kept by the facility receiving the wastes.


With every transport the movement document and copies of the notification form must be carried along (including the written declarations or decisions of consent of the competent authorities plus requirements, if there are any).

  • The facility receiving the wastes must confirm the acceptance of the wastes in writing within a period of three working days after their reception. This confirmation must be indicated in the movement document or attached to it. The notifying person and the affected competent authorities will receive signed copies of the movement document with the confirmation.
  • At the latest 30 days after the termination of the recovery or disposal and not later than one calendar year after the reception of the wastes (or within a shorter period fixed by the competent authorities) the termination of the recovery or the disposal of the wastes must be certified. This certification shall be indicated in the movement document or attached with it. The notifying person and the affected competent authorities will receive signed copies of the movement document with the certification.
  • In the case of waste shipments to Austria (imports) the notifications of receipt and processing have to be submitted electronically via eVerbringung on edm.gv.at ( BMK)German text . In the case of waste shipments from Austria (exports) the notification of individual transports/shipments have also to be submitted electronically via eVerbringung.

Please note

In the case of considerable changes of the shipment (e.g. change of the planned quantity, change of the transport route, change of the forwarder) after the consent given by the authorities, as a rule, a new notification must be applied for. Please ask the competent body in advance.


The person, who intends to carry out or has carried out a shipment of waste subject to approval, is the notifying person. She/he must submit, prior to the transboundary shipment of wastes, a written notification.


The notifying person must conclude with the consignees of the waste on the occasion of the notification a contract on the recovery or disposal of the notified wastes. If the wastes are shipped between two establishments which can be assigned to one and the same legal person the contract can be replaced by a declaration of the legal person in which it commits itself to recycle or to dispose the notified wastes.

For every shipment of wastes subject to notification the notifying person must either deposit securities or conclude appropriate insurances.

They must cover the following:

  • Transport costs
  • the costs of recovery or of disposal, including any necessary interim operation, as well as
  • Storage costs for 90 days

The securities or appropriate insurances are destined to cover the costs that might accrue, if a shipment, recovery or disposal cannot be concluded in the planned way or if a shipment, recovery or disposal has turned out to be illegal.


Respective samples on securities, liability insurances, and warrants of traders and/or brokers can be downloaded at the website of the BMK.

Shipment of "green" listed wastes

No approval is required for the shipment of wastes from the "Green list of wastes" within the EU as well as into the EU for purposes of recovery. The completed form in Annex VII to the Regulation (EC) on shipments of waste must be carried by the person who arranges the shipment.

An effective contract on the recovery of the wastes must be concluded between the person arranging for the shipment and the consignee right from the beginning of the shipment.

Exceptions: If wastes of the "Green List of Wastes" are contaminated in such a way that they show hazardous properties, a licence for the shipment must be applied for (notification procedure). Please ask the competent body in advance.

Please note

Documents and information in connection with shipments must be kept for at least seven years starting with the beginning of the shipment.

Responsible for the content

Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
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