Storing flammable liquids– Notification of establishment and operation of storage facilities for flammable liquids

General information

The establishment, operation and significant modification of the following storage facilities for flammable liquids must be reported to the authorities before they are carried out:

  1. Storage facilities for storing more than 20 l of flammable liquids of Hazard Class I.
  2. Storage facilities for storing more than 100 l of flammable liquids of Hazard Class II.
  3. Storage facilities for storing more than 1000 l of flammable liquids of Hazard Class III.

In the case of shared storage of different flammable liquids, they are to be added together according to the provisions of §8 paragraph 3 of the Flammable Liquids Ordinance, BGBl No. 240/1991 (in the current version).


The notification must include:

  • The name and address of the reporting person
  • A project paper in duplicate drafted by an authorised person

The project must include:

  1. A technical description with information about the location, purpose, scope, mode of business and technical configuration of the plant
  2. Technical drawings of all essential parts of the plant and plant diagrams
  3. A  floor plan

Reporting process:

  • If the plan for the announced
    1. Storage facility for storing more than 20 l and up to 100 l flammable liquids of Hazard Class I
    2. Storage facility for storing more than 100 l and up to 500 l flammable liquids of Hazard Class II
    3. Storage facility for storing more than 1000 l and up to 5000 l flammable liquids of Hazard Class III

      Is not rejected  with official notice within eight weeks of receipt of the complete notification, its construction may begin.  Construction may begin before the expiration of this period if written communication is received that no rejection is forthcoming.
  • For all other– aimed at a greater quantity of storage– storage facilities for the storage of flammable liquids, the authorities can reject the project within three months of the receipt of the complete notification.

    Execution of the project can begin once this period expires.  Prior to the expiration of this period, the execution of the project can begin if written notice is sent stating that the application will not be denied.
    Other requirements, conditions and/or deadlines can be imposed  on the proposed project with an official notice, if this is required for purposes of air pollution control.

  • Note:
    Other requirements, conditions and/or deadlines can be imposed  on the proposed project with an official notice, if this is required for purposes of air pollution control.

Responsible department

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