Sport Climbing Instructor – Issuing the Permit

General information

In Upper Austria one may only work professionally as a sport climbing instructor if one possesses an official permit.


This permit is to be issued by the authority on the basis of a written registration of the activity within eight weeks of the receipt of all required documentation (§ 57e Oö. Tourismusgesetz 2018) if the applicant has fulfilled all of the general pre-requisites according to § 57c Oö. Tourismusgesetz 2018 and possesses the professional training and skills needed to perform the registered activity according to § 57d Oö. Tourismusgesetz 2018. The registration document must include the exact designation of the intended activity and the location intended for the exercise of the activity.

According to § 57c Oö. Tourismusgesetz 2018 the authorizing permit for the exercise of the profession of sport climbing instructor may only be issued to a natural person who

  •  Is 18 years of age,
  • Shows the required reliability,
  • Is physically able to carry out the activity and
  • Can document possession of adequate mandated liability insurance.

The authorizing permit for the exercise of the profession of sport climbing instructor will be issued for a specific location.

Only people who hold an authorizing permit for professional work as a sport climbing instructor may bear and use the title “sport climbing instructor”.

Persons to whom an authorizing permit is issued are required to comply with the general rules for exercise of their trade in accord with § 57f Oö. Tourismusgesetz 2018.


More information



State Administrative Fee acc. to Oö. Landesverwaltungs-abgabenordnung 2011

for the issue of the permit: 52 Euros

Fees according to the Gebührengesetz 1957:

for submitting the application: 47.30 Euros;

For the enclosures to be submitted with the application: 3.90 Euros

Per sheet*, however not more than 21.80 Euros per enclosure; for the issue of the permit: 83.60 Euros.

* The term sheet refers to a piece of paper whose page height and width do not exceed the dimensions of two times 210 mm X 297 mm in one or both directions. Double the amount of fees must be paid for sheets of paper that exceed these dimensions.

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