Skiing instruction – expiry of warrant

General information

A permit to give skiing lessons expires:

  • upon prohibition to exercise the permit by the district administration authority
  • upon the death of the entitled person, in case of operation of a skiing school upon expiry of the right to continue operations
  • upon waiving the Permit



Any waiver must be reported to the responsible office in writing. The qualification certificate must be attached to the waiver.

A waiver of the qualification certificate enters into effect upon receipt of the written waiver by the provincial government.

It is permissible to revoke a waiver.

Legal base

§ 57h Oö. Tourismusgesetz 2018

Responsible department

Amt der Oö. Landesregierung
Direktion für Landesplanung, wirtschaftliche und ländliche Entwicklung
Abteilung Wirtschaft und Forschung
Bahnhofplatz 1
4021 Linz
Telefon (+43 732) 77 20-151 21
Fax (+43 732) 77 20-21 17 85

Further information for this procedure is only available in German.
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